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Converting FLAC to MP3 from the command line in Ubuntu

From time to time I have some flac files I want to convert to mp3 files so they will play on my car radio. This is simple enough to do,and with a Google search I found this command.

for f in *;do flac -cd $f |lame -b 128 - $f.mp3;done

The first problem with this is it doesn’t like spaces in the file names. This can be solved by adding quotation marks

for f in *;do flac -cd "$f" |lame -b 128 - "$f".mp3;done

The second problem is, it creates all the files with the name foo.flac.mp3. After a bit of research I found the rename command can quickly rename all of the files.

rename 's/\.flac.mp3$/.mp3/' *.mp3

You could probably add this to the end of the for loop with a && or something

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